Power Book II: Ghost Episodic Stills

Source: Courtesy / Starz

Tariq and Brayden must find an in with a vicious new connect. Monet realizes her kids might not be being honest with her. Detective Carter’s task force digs deeper into Tariq’s connection to a major player in Noma’s camp.

1. Making Necessary Sacrifices

Power Book II: Ghost Episodic Stills Source:Starz

The episode began with Tariq and Brayden doing something they probably never thought they would have to…selling their vehicles. Pinky linked them with a friend who bought the cars off of them in cash. The move was perfect for them because it got them some money for when they got in contact with a new connect. Tariq emphasizes that whatever move they make next, has to be undetectable by Noma. 

2. Backs Against The Wall

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Tariq had Brayden head back to Stansfield to transfer the money. While Brayden was doing that, Tariq met witth Pinky and Monet to get an update on Kate Egan. There wasn’t anything new to report except that Kate had moved everything out of her home. Elsewhere, Cane and Effie continue to express their feelings for each other. Effie mentions how she missed her interview because she was busy helping Cane and that her application has to be perfect because of that. Before they can get too much deeper into it, Cane is summoned by Noma. At the penthouse, Dru and Diana discuss Monet talking to Janet about them and their futures. Dru comes to the conclusion that he wants to become Noma’s number two. Diana expresses how she wants out of the business but Dru warns her that it’s a terrible idea. Meanwhile, Davis is dealing with his license being under review.  Unfortunately for him, he’s losing some of his biggest clients because of it. He tries to offer Perla as an alternative but the clients aren’t trying to hear it. Luckily for him, Tariq needed help. Tariq came to Davis and told him that he needed a connect without the Tejadas or Noma knowing. Davis confirmed that he had someone but he wasn’t what Tariq was used to and he wasn’t cheap. When Tariq responds and says he has the money part handled, Davis tells him that he’s taking 20 percent. At the Tejada residence, Monet isn’t happy that Noma hasn’t let her come back to work. As her children try to talk sense into her and calm her down, Dru and Cane get texts from Noma. She instructs Dru to find where Obi is since she hasn’t spoken to him and orders Cane to take on Obi’s responsibilities. We find out that Don Carter has held Obi at the station for ten hours. After Don Carter mentions drug organizations, shooters and other things and Obi doesn’t break, he brings up green cards and Councilman Tate. Obi continues to play it cool leading to Carter bringing up Tariq’s relationship with Tate. Carter threatens Obi that he has photos of him and Tariq. Obi’s demeanor changes and he requests to make a phone call. When Carter left the room, he threw away the folder, showing us that he was bluffing about the pictures. 

3. This Zion Character Might Be Insane

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Davis takes Tariq and Brayden to the Fourth Circle, where an illegal fighting ring was held. He shares with them that Zion (the new connect) grew up in the ring and now he owns it. He adds that he helped him beat a RICO charge a while back. Tariq and Brayden bring the money that they got earlier from selling their cars with hopes of copping from Zion. Apparently, they only had enough money for 12 bricks and his minimum was 15. On top of that, he tells Tariq that he’s full on his side meaning all of his work is accounted for. Zion mentions how he knew Ghost and how he always knew how to solve a problem before it became one. He went on to say that he thought it was funny how Tariq went and got a white boy just like his father. He then turned to Brayden and asked him if he was as crazy as Tommy. Before the conversation continued, one of Zion’s workers Roman, interrupted telling Zion that he needed a re-up. Zion left but before he did, he told Roman to leave them a little work so that they could test the product. 

4. The St. Patrick Name Still Holds Weight

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Once Zion and Roman leave, Davis tells the boys that the only reason Zion chose to meet with them was because of Tariq’s last name. He continues by telling them to do whatever it takes to get Zion to give them the product. As the boys clean up their money that Zion knocked over, Tariq makes sure that he grabs the samples that Roman left for them. 

5. Kene Spilling The Beans

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Obi makes a call home to his brother Kene. He tries to give him instruction for if anybody from his job comes to visit his home. Little did he know that Dru was already there. When Kene hands Dru the phone, Obi convinces him to come get him from the precinct and to not say anything to Kene. Dru thanks him for helping and Kene responds by thanking him back for the green cards, which throws Dru off for a second because he obviously didn’t know before Kene said something about it. Dru calls Davis to tell him about Obi’s situation. Since he still can’t technically practice law at the moment, he tells Dru that he’ll send Perla there to handle it for him. 

6. Mothers Be Knowing

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As Diana came to give Monet her pills, her mother had some questions for her. She asked if Tariq mentioned that she gave Kate Egan Tasha’s address. Diana lied and said no. When Monet followed up and asked what Tariq said, Di said he just told her that Tommy got the address from her and that he never mentioned Kate. As Diana was answering, her hands started fidgeting, plunging Monet into another flashback. She was in the house with a young Diana and Dru and she obviously needed help weighing and bagging up some drugs. Monet enlists her two young children to help her out with the tasks. When they were done, Monet teaches them how to lie. She notices that when she tests Diana about the lie she’s going to tell, she starts fidgeting. At this moment, the flashback ends and Monet knows Diana is lying about something. Back at Stansfield, Tariq and Brayden try and brainstorm a way to get in with Zion. Tariq suggests that they get rid of some of Zion’s men so they can sell. In the midst of their conversation, Brayden gets a SOS text from Becca causing him to have to go. 

7. Carter Isn’t Bothered At All

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Perla is able to successfully get Obi release (although he technically wasn’t under arrest). She mentions how she’ll hit the NYPD with a discrimination suit and a motion for Carter to appear in court. An unmoved Carter doesn’t blink and basically dares her to. He assures her that by the time it goes through, he’ll have the whole organization in cuffs. When Obi meets with Dru outside of the precinct, the two come to an agreement. After some resistance, Obi convinces Dru not to say anything to Noma and in return, Dru will get more responsibility and move up. 

8. Bad News Becca

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When Brayden arrives at Becca’s room, she is spiraling. Due to the Weston’s name not being on the building anymore, she has been forced to find somewhere else to stay. She’s very clearly on coke and asks Brayden if he has some money she can borrow so that she doesn’t have to hear about it from their dad. 

9. See Ya Later Obi

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When Obi gets back, Noma questions him about where he’s been. He tells her that he was apprehended by ICE. He continues the lie by saying he didn’t respond to her because he dropped his burner so that nothing would trace back to her. When Noma asks Dru if Obi’s story is true, all seems well until Dru spills that he met Obi’s brother and found out about the green cards “they” got him. He puts the pieces together and concludes that Tariq is the only person who could have reached out to Rashad Tate for the help. Obi comes clean about everything and adds that Tariq is brilliant and they don’t have any use for him dead. Noma agrees that Tariq is valuable but doesn’t feel the same way about Obi and stabs him in the throat, killing him. The next day at Stansfield, we see Tariq start to work his plan. After class, he hips Effie that he found some drugs on campus and asks her if she’s doing some new marketing (they were actually the drugs he got from Roman). She says it isn’t her and that Tariq better not be playing with her. He tells her that he isn’t and he just wanted to put her on notice that she might have some new competition. Diana ends up telling Brushandria the news about her pregnancy and Bru promises to keep it quiet. 

10. Temperature’s Rising

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Cane makes his way to Noma’s and the two have a very interesting conversation. After Noma pretty much calls Cane a momma’s boy and asks if he’ll ever “get off the tit,” he basically requests that she makes him her new number two. He tells her that she wouldn’t have half the stuff she has if it wasn’t for him. As Noma tries to walk away while he’s talking, he grabs her which prompts her to try and slap him. He grabs her arm before she can and the two almost kiss in a moment where tensions were high. Ironically enough, Effie walks in and Cane and Noma both act as if nothing was going on but Effie clearly peeped the scene. At the Tejada’s, Monet gifts Janet a coat for all the work she’s done to help her.

11. Take Him Off The Board

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Effie tells Noma and Cane about the drugs, except she tells them that she found them on campus herself. Seeing the logo on the bag, Cane tells them that he knows where it came from and names Roman right away. Noma feels disrespected and tells Cane to take him off the board discreetly. 

12. Noma Living A Double Life

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As Noma was giving direction, she hears Anya walking in and immediately switches gears. Anya is frustrated by the fact that Noma continues to send her away whenever she feels like it. When Anya sees Effie and Cane, she instinctively asks who they were. Noma tells her to not worry about them but instead, they should have lunch. Once Anya walked away, the look Noma gave Cane pretty much told him to go get some answers. He did just that and pulled up on a street dealer named Byrd. Cane told him that he found Roman’s work somewhere it wasn’t supposed to be and asked Byrd if he knew who was selling at Stansfield. Byrd responded that he didn’t know anything about it. Surprisingly, Cane didn’t hurt him. Instead, he just made Byrd give up Roman’s next re-up time and place. 

13. A Voice Of Reason

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At the family’s bar, Monet brings up the fact that Diana lied to her but she can’t figure out why. As the conversation progresses, Janet reminds Monet that she used to have fun and had big dreams. Monet responds by saying that girl that Janet knew died. Janet tells her that the girl might be hidden underneath all of the decisions she’s made but she isn’t dead. She also adds that Monet’s kids would love to meet her. Meanwhile, Cane found Roman’s re-up and instead of acting quietly, he had two of his soldiers blow up the truck that the drugs were in, before fleeing the scene. 

14. Janet Faded. Hahaha

Power Book II: Ghost Episodic Stills Source:Starz

15. The Tate’s Are Always Trouble

Power Book II: Ghost Episodic Stills Source:Starz

Kamaal Tate made his return this episode. Don Carter and one of the members of the Task Force asked him all types of questions related to Tariq, his brother Rashad Tate and how far his former task force got to getting real answers. The conversation is interrupted by another member of the Task Force coming and alerting them that they got a hit on a van in the Bronx. Realizing it was drug related and possibly intentional, Carter concluded that a drug war was popping off. Tate, wanting to finish what he started, involves himself in the situation and decides to tag along. When they got to the scene, all the cops agree that the hit was targeted. After running the plates, they get an address to the owner of the van. Tate and Carver approach Roman outside of his house and he immediately takes off running. They eventually catch him and put him in cuffs. Back at Stansfield, Brayden tries to explain what’s currently going on with Becca but Tariq isn’t really in the mood to listen to it. He gets a text from Davis saying they’re in and the buy-in is 300k. He tells Brayden that they need to find a way to pay Zion now that he opened up a spot for them. An oblivious Brayden asks Tariq when that happened. Tariq tells him that he faked a trail back to Roman and Effie took care of the rest. Brayden questions if they’re messing with Effie again. Tariq tells him that they’re doing what they have to. Brayden pushes it to the side and tells Tariq that they need to worry about getting 50 more racks for Zion. Tariq tells him he’ll figure it out but Brayden needs to figure out how they’ll get the product off without Noma figuring out. 

16. He Needs To Mind His Business. Lol

Power Book II: Ghost Episodic Stills Source:Starz

Tariq tells Davis that he’s short 50k and Davis tells him he’ll front him the money. He tells Tariq that his wife is going to take half of his stuff in a divorce and Jenny Sullivan will be taking the rest. He goes on to say it’s the only move that makes sense for him right now. This then urges him to ask Tariq why he’s doing what he’s doing. Tariq tells him that he can’t live a regular pedestrian life without the choice being his. He went on to say that Dru, Noma and Cane all had to get what’s coming to them and he won’t rest until it happens. The two then discuss how hungry Carter is and how he’s going to be a problem. He continues by telling Davis that at the moment all he’s worried about is Noma not finding out what they have going on. He goes on to say that he thinks Davis can be a big help in that and get paid at the same time. Back at Stansfield, Cane questions Effie again about where she got the drugs from. She tells him that Noma wanted Roman off the table and that’s what he did so that should be the end of it. Cane agrees but tells her that he has a feeling her and Tariq are trying to run the long game on him. Effie explains how it wouldn’t make sense for her to mess up her own exit strategy that way. She then brings up how Cane is messing with their boss and asks him if her standing up to Monet made him like her. After Cane hints that she’s jealous, Effie states that she just thinks it’s funny how he’s accusing her of things when he’s having sex with their bottom line. She then says that she shouldn’t have missed her interview to help him. Cane exits and it’s obvious that the two aren’t on the same page. Noma is visited by Davis MacLean who has a business proposition for her. He tells her that he prepared documentation regarding Obi and Kene traveling to Dubai just in case the authorities ask (He knows that Obi is “missing”). Davis shares what he knows about her and flirtaciously tells her that he wants to further explain the services he can offer her over drinks. She calls for a rain check but tells him that she obviously knows where to find him. 

17. Brayden Off The Blow. Smh

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As Elle, Brushandria and their group practice, Brayden makes his way in and is immediately stuck. When him and Elle go talk privately, he tells her how there’s a lot of stuff going on in his life at the moment and he feels like a f-ck up. She sniffs some coke and then offers him some, which he gladly takes. She asks him if he feels better and he responds with a smile and says yes. Elsewhere, Noma gets her second visitor of the night and this time it’s Cane. He tells her that he took care of the threat from earlier. Then he tells her that they make a great team while seducing her. The two began to kiss and end up having sex for the first time, despite what Effie thought she knew or seen. Back on campus, Brayden hips Tariq to his new plan for them to move their drugs. Brayden explained how if they can convince everyone on campus that Elle’s group is next up, they can throw parties all over the tristate area. As the boys discuss how they can make it work, Tariq gets a call from Pinky, who tells him she’s sending him a video from a Ring camera. 

18. Another Legendary Dinner Table Scene

Power Book II: Ghost Episodic Stills Source:Starz

The Tejadas all link at the crib for dinner and Monet tells the kids that it’ll be Janet’s last night there. Pinky tells Tariq that the video she found was from Kate Egan’s Ring camera. When Tariq sees the video, he immediately asks her if she already sent it to Monet or not. Monet breaks it to her children that she’s starting a new business (the same drugs business, just not under anyone) and she wanted her kids to work with her as partners. Diana quickly said that she’s in but she’d be out as soon as they turned a profit. Dru and Cane both decline, as they feel like Noma’s been treating them good. As the family is talking, Monet gets the text from Pinky. Her face and mood quickly change when she sees the video. She then asks Diana what she did. When Cane asks her what she’s talking about, she shows him the video. She tells a confused Cane that it’s a video of Diana giving Tommy’s mother Tasha’s address. Monet is sent into rage and attempts to attack her daughter as Diana tries to explain. Janet holds her back and Dru comes and grabs Diana and takes her out while telling her not to say anything. At that moment, Monet realizes that Dru was in on it too. When everything settles in for Cane and he realizes that his siblings tried to set up Monet, he follows them out and aims his gun at their car but can’t pull the trigger. The episode ends with a distressed Monet yelling at the top of her lungs. 

19. Season 4 Episode 4 Trailer: The Reckoning

Source:TV Promos