The Daily Grind Video

Protesters went to occupy Wall Street this past weekend and rapper Lupe Fiasco was one among those showing his support against U.S. Financial institutions.

Lupe has been going H.A.M. on his Twitter all weekend, tweeting live from Wall Street.

VIDEO: Lupe Fiasco Calls Obama A Terrorist

Here are a couple tweets from the Lasers M.C.:

In a #PalestinianSTATEofMind tonight…and All Day All Week #OccupyWallStreet great time to be alive hahaha #GenerationLaser

If anybody needs me I’ll be on Wall St : ) #iwilloccupy #occupywallstreet @OccupyWallSt @OccupyWallStNYC

Occupy your mind with Wall Street today. Use this day to start understanding the system that runs your life! Agree or disagree u need 2 know.

Organized on Twitter and other social media, protesters promised to “occupy Wall Street,” but have largely stuck to Liberty Plaza and Zuccotti Park after authorities set up road blocks.

Props to Lupe Fiasco for taking the message to the masses!