The Daily Grind Video

We brought you Brandon Jennings “Are You From Here” video with Under Armour last week on GlobalGrind and we loved the video so much, we had to get the 411 on the shoot from Brandon himself.

Showing off some hometown pride before discussing his move to Italy when he was just 19, Brandon shows off a side of himself that we’ve never seen.

Check out his take on “Are You From Here” along with the video below.

GlobalGrind: Can you tell us a little bit about the process of making your “Are You From Here” video?

Brandon Jennings: The video basically shows where I came from and what I’m all about. Basically, just never forgetting where I came from. “Are You From Here” represents how much effort you’re going to put into something that you love the most, are you willing to take the extra step, are you willing to be the best and stuff like that.

How did you feel shooting that video in your hometown?

I think it was great. I think it was awesome. I think it was good to let people see a different side of me. People really don’t know what I’m about or who I am so I think it was good to show people where I came from. At the end of the day, I love where I came from.

You opted to go to Italy right out of high school. What was it like to go from living in Compton to eating canolis in Italy?

It was a different world. Actually I went from Oak Hill because I transferred high schools. I graduated from Oak Hill, Virginia. So I went from Oak Hill to Italy. But at the same time, it was still different. It was a new world. Italian food is probably the second best food right now. It was just an awesome experience overall. And, at the same time, I was young. I was only 19.

What did you miss most about home while you were in Italy?

Spending Thanksgiving and Christmas with all my family and friends. But at the same time, I had my mother and brother there, so it was still cool. But I think I missed spending New Years with everybody and just doing it the American way.

So did you do New Years the Italian way?

Yeah. Basically me, my mom, and my brother just stayed in the house and celebrated together. They still had fireworks and everything like that but it still wasn’t like how we do it back in the states with a whole bunch of family.