The Daily Grind Video


The vacations you take all depend on the thrill that you desire, and while some may get a thrill from simply shutting off their cellphones, others need a push to something a little scarier, like a haunted weekend getaway. 

If you and your loved one are into thrills and chills that comes with scary movies, such as The Evil Dead, then maybe it’s time to consider making a scary weekend of your own. 

Rent a Sketchy Cabin in the Woods.

This is a two-for-one where you can lurk the outdoors in the sketchy woods, and play a creepy game indoors. Down for a weekend of spooks? Rent a secluded cabin with faulty lighting and get ready for a scary story marathon. Break out the flashlights and venture into the darkness of the secluded woods and spook your company with scary pranks.

Visit Haunted Landmarks.

Make a date out of it! Hold hands as you creep through the abandoned asylum that is said to still have spirits lurking its halls. It’s a sure way to keep your lover close as you creep through seeking an adrenaline rush. 

Become Amateur Ghost Hunters. 

Well, you were already going to check out the creepy hotel, so why not rent some ghost hunter equipment to bring along for the ride? Your search for where exactly that cold breeze is coming from may need a little help.

Play A Game Of Ouija After A Candle-Lit Séance

Now, this is really asking for it, but if you want to play with ghosts, then might as well invite them for a party! Plan a Séance to summon the spirits and really get spooked, that is if you believe in these sort of things. Throw an Ouija board in the mix for good measure.

Follow those tips above for a horror filled haunted weekend, or simply head to the theater to watch The Evil Dead when it is released on April 5th (check your local theaters for early 10PM shows this Thursday) for a real scare if you dare. Until then be sure to check out the official site: