The Daily Grind Video

by Keke Wyatt

Hello everyone-
I’d like to thank for asking me to do this blog.  This is my first time ever in my life.  I’m not an internet person.  I pray what I’ve gone thru helps someone.  Here goes….

It’s been a stressful two weeks, putting out my new album (Who Knew) working non stop and on top of that, I’m a mom.  Real talk, it’s been a stressful ten years.  It’s been  hard getting over the relationship with my kid’s dad because of domestic violence.   I do still love him.  It’s like throwing your heart away.  How does someone that supposedly loves you, abuses you???

I realized that the fighting would NEVER stop and I COULD NOT be with him.  I vowed to myself to be happy!!  I want my kids to grow up in an environment that is healthy.  As parents, we are their role models.

After ten years of marriage and believing with everything within me and all of the morals that I grew up with (all of us as little girls), we want to believe that marriage is forever.

You believe in the fairly tale, that you’ll be together til death do you part.  I didn’t want him to be the reason why “death did us part”.   The reason why I’m not here.  I didn’t want to die from the hands that were suppose to love me.

The first single from this album and title track is Who Knew.  I ask myself who knew that the person that I fell in love with, the person that I married and created a family with would also be the person that would almost kill me.  Who Knew I would finally have the strength to pack up the kids and everything that we had worked so hard for together and leave.

We all can identify with the question, Who Knew?

Domestic violence is prevalent among teen/women and they suffer from it silently every day.  My message is to get out, be safe, find someone you could confide in and trust God. 

I want to thank my fans for all of the love and support they constantly give me and for not judging me…
