The Daily Grind Video

<p><span class="Apple-style-span" style="widows: 2; text-transform: none; text-indent: 0px; border-collapse: separate; font: medium ‘Times New Roman’; white-space: normal; orphans: 2; letter-spacing: normal; color: #000000; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 0px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-decorations-in-effect: none; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="text-align: justify; line-height: 17px; font-family: Georgia, ‘Times New Roman’, serif; font-size: 11px;"><a style="margin: 0px; color: #444444; text-decoration: none; padding: 0px;" href=” know about you, but I can sure feel the onset of Spring- snow is melting, the temperature is rising, and of course my allergies are driving me nuts!</div>

I try my best to attack the symptoms as they arise to avoid getting really sick.

For all of my fellow soup lovers, here”s a dish I found that might help your sniffles!

Click right on the title to get the recipe!

<div class="fullpost" style="margin: 0px; display: inline; padding: 0px;"><br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;" />Urs