The Daily Grind Video

WOW. That is the only word that can come out of my mouth after seeing Chris Brown’s tribute to Michael Jackson on the BET Awards. Knowing Michael Jackson was an idol of Chris Brown’s, I knew he would do it up big for this tribute, but OMG I never thought that it would be so touching and most definitely worth waiting for.

There truly aren’t enough words that one can put together to describe the feeling I got when I watched Chris Brown take on Michael’s persona. Tears filled up my eyes and I had the goosebumps from start to finish. This performance was the best performance, HANDS DOWN, that I’ve seen in a very long time.


From moonwalking to starting with the man in the mirror, Chris Brown took this tribute straight to heart. What got to me the most, and I think this got to almost everyone the most, was the Man In The Mirror at the end of the performance. Just like the lyrics of one of Michael’s most popular songs, Chris Brown truly brought these lyrics to life, as tears streamed down his face and his emotions were barely controllable.


When controversy sparked with Chris Brown a little over a year ago, I’m sure he never imagined that his idol, Michael Jackson, would help him move past all the of the controversy. Michael helped Chris Brown close the door on the past, and move forward to a brighter future.

I have always been a fan of Chris Brown, and even through all of the negativity thrown at him, I always knew he’d pull through and continue to be the amazing artist he’s been from the beginning.
With Michael’s spirit of love clearly by his side on that stage, Chris Brown experienced a rush of all of the emotions he’s felt in the past tumultuous year. Through the tribute he told all of us that he’s starting with himself, he’s going to change his ways.


The past is now behind him, and instead of hearing the constant negative energy that has surrounded him for some time now, we will remember Chris Brown for the most memorable tribute ever made to the King of Pop.

Chris began his brighter future by winning the BET Fandemonium Award, where in his speech he made clear to his fans, he will never disappoint them again. But I’d like to tell Chris that although he feels he’s disappointed his fans, we are all human, and if we take a little advice from MJ and just feel love and forget hate, than we will all see past the human mistakes. He’ll from now on be a man of respect. Because a man who is willing to publicly share his journey through change is a man.


I admire and respect Chris Brown as a man… for getting on that stage and giving respect to his idol… for dancing his heart out… and most definitely for wearing his emotions on his sleeve for us to share with him in the most beautiful way possible.

Flip to the next page for the video of Chris Brown’s Tribu