The Daily Grind Video

Good morning. While being on tour with Mr Ritchie (Kid Rock) I discovered a great book… “You’ve got talent .. Now what?” 

Author..-John Maxwell… While looking at Kid perform night after night for hours and hours  and rehearse during the day..  I said to myself whoa this dude is amazingly talented! THEN as I saw the work ethic, I came to the conclusion That having talent is just the beginning.. God gives us talent and its up to us to cherish and develop it, so we can serve others and make God proud.. This dude would do whatever it took to rock the house and give the world a good time… Props to Kid! In conclusion I say… Practice Practice Practice! I read a quote that’s fitting for this word of wisdom.. If I miss a day of practice, I know it.. If I miss two days of practice my manager knows it. If I miss three days of practice my audience knows it…   Develop your craft everyone! Practice!

-Rev Run