The Daily Grind Video

At a time when White artists are appropriating Black culture at alarming rates, Matt Damon is refusing to foster diversity lest it interfere with merit, and Donald Trump is trying to take back a country created by immigrants, from…well…immigrants, a video that encapsulates all that’s wrong with White privilege has emerged to teach us something we just didn’t know.

Apparently, a White jogger who “fights for a living” and can kill us with one punch, “settled” Brooklyn. He settled it. He’s a settler. He legit colonized the wild land of Brooklyn. Unbeknownst to us, Christopher Columbus is still alive and well.

Once you get over the shock that this self-proclaimed explorer is unaware of how racist and paternalistic his statement is (or maybe he is aware), check out how it goes down.

Though the bystander’s video (which has since been removed from YouTube) starts mid-rant, we can gather that a White man pushing a stroller bumped into the jogging White man, who then threatens to kill Stroller Man with his bare hands. A Black security guard can be seen trying to de-escalate the situation, but Jogger Man isn’t having it. In fact, he’s pretty fired up.

“Don’t fucking come at me. I’ll kill you with one punch…I fight for a living,” he yells.

At some point, a woman who is presumably Stroller Man’s wife calls Jogger Man a “sick fuck.” His response? Calling her out on her White privilege, of course:

“White privilege! White fucking privilege! You pushed your stroller right into me, and all I say was ‘excuse you,’ and then you said, ‘fuck you fuck you!’ You fucking white trash!”

We’re not sure who this guy is, and NewsOne couldn’t verify this video at the time of publishing (is it a hoax? This has to be a hoax), but what is clear is that the White jogger in the video is confused about how White privilege works. First and foremost, you can’t call someone out on how their White privilege is affecting you when you are both on the same playing field. You both benefit from the same societal privileges that are upheld by government and community by a hundreds-years old structure. Jogger Man, you’re doing it wrong.

Let’s be totally clear — if Stroller Man did knock Christopher Columbus off the sidewalk, it’s called rude. Not White privilege.

More evidence that Jogger Man does not fully understand his own privilege? The fact that he is making terroristic threats on the street in broad daylight and he wasn’t tackled to the ground, stunned with a taser, handcuffed or…killed by police.

Let that marinate.

But most telling — because language matters — is the unidentified man’s use of “settled” to describe a place where multicultural communities have historically lived and thrived. Well before Jogger Man moved into a then-affordable Brooklyn because it was cool. Well before gentrification created a Brooklyn that is now the most unaffordable place to purchase a home (or simply pay rent) in America.

Settled. Let this guy tell it, he is responsible for creating the unrecognizable and whitewashed 2015 Brooklyn. And frankly, that’s not entirely false. But that’s the issue with White privilege. It erases. It dismisses. It allows Jogger Man and Stroller Man to enjoy the new amenities in areas that were once plagued with poverty and inaccessibility to food and education. And, it allows Jogger Man to live completely unaware in this place that he never founded or settled and believe full and well that his very presence has made it better.

If ever we needed a succinct lesson in White privilege, this is it. What do we need to do to get this clip shown in schools?


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You Have To Watch This Video Of A Man Claiming He “Settled” Brooklyn In Outrageous Display Of White Privilege  was originally published on