
Global Grind’s coverage of today’s news affecting urban millennials.

Here’s a countdown of the top 10 angriest breakdowns on TV.

Doris Smith just wanted breakfast. But she and Hillary Clinton got a big surprise when she literally bumped into Hillary at her usual breakfast spot. sponsored a contest for best Obama ad. The winner ‘Obamacan,’ features a former Army staff seargent who says he’s going to support Obama.

An Iraqi journalist says that Iraq is far worse under Americans than it was under Saddam Hussein.

Cultural critic Nelson George talks about hip-hop and black culture.

Next time your wife asks for a gallon of milk, you might want to get it. That simple request netted a Lousiana man $97 million dollars.

Volunteers in the trenches of the Obama campaign have seen and heard blatant racism directed at themselves and the candidate they represent.

Hillary Clinton’s battle for the White House is all but over, even when she does win West Virginia.

‘Rape dance’ footage posted on YouTube puts Memphis high school and some of its students on the hot seat.

One writer says Facebook and other social networking sites have taken over her life.

‘I can’t talk now, I think I’m in danger,’ a reporter in Myanmar whispered into the phone. Click. In a country torn apart by disaster, reporters are scarce.

Mexico’s Manuel Uribe, the world’s fattest man according to the Guinness Book of World Records, now wants to set one for most weight lost.