French Montana may not be the first person you would look to for fashion advice, but there’s no doubt that the Bronx emcee has style.  His “Coke Boy” fashion sense is not for everyone, but as a hip-hop artist, French’s fans look to him and other artists like him to direct their style – and […]

It seems like celebrities are running loose when it comes to abiding by the laws. Some celebrities believe that their fame can get them out of serving time in the slammer. From Lindsay Lohan to Young Mula Lil’ Wayne, law enforcement is cracking down on celebs who violate the law. Recently, some celebs have been […]


Today is D-Day for Lil Wayne, as he will be formally sentenced and finally turns himself in to begin his one-year prison sentence in New York.  Wayne was supposed to go to jail last month, but Wayne had dental surgery which delayed the sentencing. Judge Charles H. Solomon said recently that ‘I don’t want this […]