In an attempt to criticize Donald Trump and discuss his failure to denounce Neo-Nazis, Clinton supporter and liberal Charles Kaiser dropped the N-bomb live on CNN.

Azealia Banks is spilling all the tea about her drama with Russell Crowe.

Ricky Peterson is speaking out after his former boss got caught calling him the N-word in the now infamous ICandy nightclub video.


A Utah school district punishes a White teacher for using the N-word during a history class. The teacher said he meant no harm in using the word to explain its meaning before showing students the film 'Glory.'


A University of Kansas professor who used the N-word in class said an investigation cleared her to return to work. Her students filed a complaint that triggered the four-month probe.


An incident surfaced of a teacher calling a student the n-word in class at Boston Latin School. It happened 18 months ago, but came to light during a federal investigation into multiple instances of racial abuse at the prestigious high school.

Last night's episode of "The People v O.J. Simpson" delved into the inner workings of lead prosecutor Marcia Clark and the tactics O.J. Simpson's "Dream Team" of lawyers used to best her.

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Saying he "did something stupid and wrong," the White president of the Maricopa County chapter of the NAACP on Wednesday apologized for making a sexist comment following a meeting on racial sensitivity, reports the Huffington Post.

The teens claim the act was intended to be a joke for one of the girls' boyfriends, who is Black.