Making history as the first openly gay player in the NBA after signing a 10-day contract with the Brooklyn Nets, Jason Collins is extending his stay with the team…at least for another 10 days. The Nets plan to sign the basketball veteran to another contract, a person told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because […]

A day after Russian President Vladimir Putin gave the green light for Russian troops to invade Ukrainian territory, the country is rejecting accusations that they have acted aggressively towards their neighbor. The country is urging Western critics to put aside “geopolitical calculations” in favor of the interests of the people in the former Soviet Republic. While Moscow defended Putin’s […]

The father of a 6-month-old girl is under fire after posting a picture on Facebook of the baby holding a rifle at a Connecticut gun store, just 20 miles from the scene of the Sandy Hook massacre. The father, Christopher Duffy, purchased the rifle baby Genevieve was holding on Tuesday from Woodbridge Firearms. In response […]

After pressure from major corporations, the NFL and politicians, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vetoed SB1062, or the controversial “right-to-discriminate” bill, which would have allowed businesses to discriminate against gays for religious reasons. “I call them as I see them, despite the cheers or the boos from the crowd,” Brewer said, criticizing what she described as a “broadly […]

In a 295 to 114 vote, the House has passed a bill that allows consumers to legally unlock their phones. The huge move comes after many voters called out House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte for making last minute changes to the bill. The new measure now allows consumers to use their phones with any carrier […]

Another Republican sticks his foot in his mouth when it comes to his opinions about women and their reproductive rights. Virginia Senator Steve Martin is under fire after calling women “baby hosts” in a Facebook rant against a pro-life coalition. The rant was a response to a Valentine’s Day card the Virginia Pro-Choice Coalition sent […]

Ukrainian police have issued an arrest warrant for President Viktor Yanukovich, who fled the country on Friday. With many political protestors getting killed by presidential law enforcement and government groups, police have issued a warrant for mass murder. An interim president was put in his place over the weekend, while Yanukovich flew out of Kiev by […]

Exactly a year after he shot and killed girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, South African paralympic runner Oscar Pistorius is speaking out about his sorrow and the shooting, which he called accidental. If you recall, Pistorius claims he mistook Reeva for an intruder when he shot her through the bathroom door on Valentine’s Day 2013. In a statement on […]

The national debt ceiling will be raised once again to avoid the U.S from falling into another recession. In the 221 to 201 vote, the limit will be raised to help the country pay the $17.2 trillion balance on time. Some House Republicans unwillingly approved of the bill that will keep the U.S on track […]

Sorry, smokers. CVS Pharmacy will stop selling tobacco products at its more than 7,600 drugstores in the nation by October. Reason? CVS CEO Larry Merlo says the company decided it can no longer sell cigarettes at places where it also provides health care. The move will cost them $2 billion a year, but they are willing […]

Looks like everyone wasn’t touched by Coca-Cola’s diverse Super Bowl commercial. After Coke aired the ad, featuring “America The Beautiful” sung in different languages, the company received major backlash from some viewers who felt that it was “very un-American.” Ironic, no? The Twitter hashtag #BoycottCoke was created, and much like the Cheerios ad on interracial couples, […]

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is making good on his promise to curb the NYPD’s controversial stop-and-frisk practice. This week, he announced that the city will settle its long-running legal battle over the Police Department’s practice of stopping, questioning and often frisking people on the street by agreeing to reforms issued by a judge in […]