
It looks like Nicki Minaj has the blogs going crazy, and no it’s not because of the alleged sex tape. It appears that the Young Money mistress has decided to change her rap name. She took to her Twitter account the other day and tweeted that she has indeed changed her name and will not […]

<p>APOSTROPHE AUX CONTEMPORAINS DE MA MORT.<br />Pri&egrave;re d’ins&eacute;rer. <br /><br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Un tr&egrave;s vieux monsieur au bord de la tombe livre ses r&eacute;flexions et ses d&eacute;sarrois. Comme chez tous les grands vieillards en fin d’existence, son univers intellectuel, pour user d’une all&eacute;gorie, est un va-et-vient sur une arche qui repose essentiellement sur deux piliers : […]

<p>As the news of the arrest of <span id="IL_AD7" class="IL_AD">Roman Polanski</span>, the rape-accused Polish-French filmmaker takes the centre stage in the world of entertainment, A Site gets inquisitive to give you a low down of celebrities who were caught amidst sexual crime and casting couch. Read on to delve deeper&hellip;</p>