Pranks are all fun and games, unless someone actually thinks it’s real.  In a worst case scenario, pranking your spouse could cause the relationship to end. Fortunately, this famous Youtube couple didn’t split after the wife’s disgusting, but hilarious prank — but her husband was livid: Are you breaking up? Or nah. Check out […]

Oftentimes, we go so hard on ourselves that we don’t even appreciate our full beauty. Thanks to social media, most of us take 100 selfies and criticize each and every aspect of it. But the Internet has come to save the day once again.  Hence the #SideProfileSelfie campaign. Moral of the story: If […]

Going to the operating room can be a terrifying experience. But if your surgeon is named Dr. Elvis Francois, he might lull you off to sleep and you won’t feel a thing when you wake up. Elvis decided to show off his pipes at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, New York and his fellow orthopedic […]

Yesterday, students across the country participated in a school walkout to honor the 17 victims in the Parkland, Florida shooting and to demand stricter gun control. While many kids found solidarity with their fellow classmates, one North Carolina student participated in the walkout all by himself. Justin Blackman dipped out of Wilson Preparatory Academy for […]

It’s almost Friday and we’re feeling the Gwara Gwara vibes today thanks to this young queen: If you’re not familiar with the Gwara Gwara dance of South Africa, maybe Rihanna can refresh your memory:   Get into it.  

There’s nothing I love more than a good eye roll. What other gesture can express your annoyance, while still staying discreet enough for social etiquette? One Chinese reporter probably thought she was keeping her anger on the low when she delivered a well executed eye roll towards another reporter. However, unluckily for her (yet luckily […]

Ever wondered how Naruto would look doing the Billy Bounce? What if Goku had to Milly Rock on any block? Social media star King Vader had to put these moves to the test when he went against viral sensation @nampaikid (Dan) in an anime-filled dance off. They’re even joined by cosplay king Brandon Rogers, as well as some […]

All the freaky folks are coming out in Thailand and the locals are not here for it. The first incident happened on the island of Koh Samui. According to Metro, a blonde tourist tried her luck by rubbing up against a penis-shaped rock.   Did we mention she was naked the whole time? The 12-ft rock is […]

We’re not in the business of judging folks for who they support, but it is pretty weird to stan for someone who literally likes no one.  However, that didn’t stop these Trump loving women from making a song about their beloved Cheetoh, er, President.   But is he really “mighty” though? Even some of his […]

One Brazilian dog was so ride-or-die for his owner that he couldn’t let him go, even in death. The story will give you all the Homeward Bound feels, so prep your tissue!   The unnamed dog was the pet of a 59-year-old homeless man. The man was stabbed in a street fight in October and was […]

Making a grand entrance in the club can be tough work. Your timing has to be perfect, the outfit has to be on point, and you have to make sure your horse is tame? One dancer at the Mokai Lounge in Miami Beach was certainly trying to keep their horse calm when they decided to […]

It’s pretty evident that the White House is on a downward spiral that’s going down fairly quickly. Being unprepared in interviews has sort of been their forte since 45 became Chief Of Staff. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos kept their reputation of being unready up to par when she sat down for an interview with […]