Amid growing frustration at the lack of government response in tracking down the 200 plus missing girls from Nigeria, the U.S. announced on Thursday that it offered to help the country in its search. If you recall, the students, aged 12-18, were abducted on April 14 by Islamic extremists from the Government Girls Secondary School in […]

Raw cell phone video taken by a 17-year-old victim of the capsized South Korean ferry has surfaced, shedding light on the feckless evacuation efforts of the crew, many of whom escaped to safety. The video was released by Park Su-hyeon’s father, who was given the cell phone by rescue workers who discovered it while searching the […]

It’s been two weeks since 234 girls (ages 12-17) were abducted in the middle of the night from their boarding school in north-eastern Nigeria. It’s been two weeks since the Nigerian government, who first claimed to have recovered all but eight of the missing, has offered grieving families any definitive information regarding their daughters. And […]

News regarding the 234 missing Nigerian school girls is slow to trickle in, but new reports are suggesting the missing were sold as brides to Islamist militants for 2,000 naira, or $12. According to the Washington Post: Village elder Pogo Bitrus told Agence France Presse locals had consulted with “various sources” in the nation’s forested northeast. “From the […]

UPDATE: 2:00 PM EST A petition has been created to raise awareness about Nigeria’s missing girls. To sign it, click here. —– As reports of the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight and the capsized South Korean ferry continue to be looped on popular cable networks, news of more than 200 Nigerian students being kidnapped from school is slow […]

A child bride forced into marriage in Nigeria is being accused of killing her groom and three of his friends with a poisoned meal, according to police. Wasila Umaru, 14, was forced to marry 35-year-old Umaru Sani last week. Over the weekend, the groom invited friends to celebrate the marriage in his Ungwar Yansoro village. The girl bought […]

In a prime example of the high crime rate in Rio de Janeiro, a mugger attempted to snatch a woman’s gold necklace right off her neck as she was being interviewed by a local television station about the lack of police in the area. The woman, who was not identified, was right in the middle of […]

In 2009, after setting out to focus on education in her native Liberia, Saran Kaba Jones noticed a major impediment to quality education for children and women wasn’t access, but health. Children weren’t getting the nutrition they needed to attend school, and they were falling ill for extended periods of time because of contaminated water sources. […]

A powerful 7.6 magnitude aftershock rattled the northern coast of Chile late Wednesday night, striking the same area where a magnitude 8.2 quake hit on Tuesday. That quake injured dozens and killed six. Chilean authorities are still trying to assess the damage from Tuesday’s major earthquake. Wednesday night’s aftershock caused buildings to shake and sent […]

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Investigators searching a Washington, D.C. park for 8-year-old Relisha Rudd have discovered the body of a man believed to be her abductor, Kahlil Tatum. Police have not yet positively identified the body, but D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier told reporters that “everything we have is consistent with what (investigators) know about (Tatum’s) appearance,” adding that the […]

President Obama is taking a major step in reforming the National Security Agency’s collection of records. The president plans to ask Congress to end the bulk collection and storage of American phone records by the NSA, but allow the government to access the “metadata” when needed, a senior administration official said on Monday. If the proposal is […]