The Daily Grind Video

The great but troubled DMX made his daytime TV debut yesterday, appearing on The Dr. Phil Show. And although he wasn’t Kanye West-on-the-Kris-show good, he was good.

The ex-rap superstar spent 15 minutes talking about his troubles: basically, he has a lot of them, with the main problem being that he’s broke.

(There was a report earlier in the week that he only had $50 dollars in his wallet, and no money in his bank account).

The rapper admitted that he was $1 million in the hole when it comes to his child support payments. (He has 11 kids, with one coming).

Dark Man X told Dr. Phil:

“The reason being because at a time I was making $13 million a year, so if I’m making $13 million a year, then I can pay that. I haven’t made that in about 10 years, so of course I’m behind in payments, but the children are taken care of.”

Even with the money issues, X claims he’s very much involved with his children:

“I’m a big influence in their lives. I love all of my children. I do see them and speak to them when I can. I do have [a] relationship with my children. I love my children. I would never just not be a part of my children’s lives. That doesn’t make sense.”

X even talked about the streaking incident that happened a couple of weeks ago, saying that “It was a bet, it was a dare. The dare was order room service, and run through the hallway naked. I’m like, ‘I’ll do that.'”

Um, yeah. Watch the entire interview above.