The Daily Grind Video

We caught up with Charlie Hunnam, who stars as leather-clad biker Jackson “Jax” Teller on the FX series Sons Of Anarchy, to chat about an upcoming role and how he got ripped fast!

Hunnam bounced back and forth between his role as Jax, the president of a biker club, and a new role in upcoming sci-fi thriller Pacific Rim until production finished.

“I had to do it all in sections,” he said. “We were shooting Sons Of Anarchy until two and a half weeks before we started shooting this. It was this cathartic work out sequence where I was channeling all this rage and anxiety with my shirt off.”

Hunnam will play Raleigh Becket in Pacific Rim; Becket is a Jaeger pilot–large robots which are controlled simultaneously by two pilots who share thoughts. The two pilots find themselves the only hope the world has for surviving the apocalypse. 

Because of the nature of this film, Charlie was forced to get into tip-top shape!

“G. Del Toro said you need to immediately look like a guy that is capable of saving the world,” Hunnam said. “Brad Pitt fucked up for everyone because in Fight Club he looked so incredible he raised the bar to this very lofty place of what is now expected of a guy who is going to take their shirt off in the film. It was this amazing opportunity for me, so I just said screw you if you’re tired.”

Charlie worked tirelessly to look the part and we think he nailed it, but don’t take our word for it. 

Have a look for yourselves!

Be sure to check out more of Charlie Hunnam and his world-saving body in Pacific Rim, in theatres July 12, 2013.

Photo credit: Facebook/Warner Brothers.