The Daily Grind Video

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney declared that he will in fact run for President of United States on Thursday.

At the same time, Mitt started the mudslinging against President Obama. Romney made his announcement in the key early primary state of New Hampshire to a group of would-be voters. Here’s what he had to say:

“A few years ago, Americans did something that was, actually, very much the sort of thing Americans like to do: We gave someone new a chance to lead, someone we hadn’t known for very long, who didn’t have much of a record but promised to lead us to a better place,” Romney said, describing President Obama. “At the time, we didn’t know what sort of a president he would make … Now, in the third year of his four-year term, we have more than promises and slogans to go by. Barack Obama has failed America.”

Romney is throwing shots early and will most likely separate himself from the likes of Herman Cain and Sarah Palin. Looks like the election of 2012 will be a fierce competition.