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The White House has just reported that Boston Marathon bombing suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, will not be designated as an enemy combatant.

PHOTOS: “Mama I Love You:” Boston Bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s Last Words Before His Planned Rampage 

Instead, Press Secretary Jay Carney said, he will face criminal charges in civilian court.

“This is absolutely the right way to go and the appropriate way to go,” Carney said of the case against Tsarnaev. 

He is being charged with conspiring to use weapons of mass destruction against persons and property in U.S. resulting in death.

Here’s the official word from the Department of Justice:

The 19-year-old was charged from his bed and sources close to the investigation reported that Tsarnaev was awake and responding to questions. Although he is seriously wounded and sedated, he is answering with a head nod.

However, police declined to comment on media reports he was communicating with authorities in writing.

“There have been widely published reports that he is (communicating silently). I wouldn’t dispute that, but I don’t have any specific information on that myself,” Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis told CNN. “We’re very anxious to talk to him and the investigators will be doing that as soon as possible.”

Authorities are asking the 19-year-old if there are more bombs, explosives caches or weapons, and if anyone else was involved, the source said.

DETAILS: Boston Strong: Moment Of Silence Planned For 1 Week Anniversary Of Boston Marathon Tragedy 

However, the answers to those questions aren’t immediately clear. To read the rest of the Department of Justice release, click here.