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Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester has granted George Zimmerman’s request to appear in civilian clothes and without shackles during his bond hearing tomorrow.

STORY: He Wants What? Zimmerman’s Odd Request Before Bond Hearing

Zimmerman’s defense attorney Mark O’Mara said yesterday:

“The manner in which Mr. Zimmerman is portrayed by the media will have a tremendous impact on his ability to receive a fair trial.”

Before Zimmerman’s last bail hearing April 20, O’Mara made the same request. Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester Jr. agreed to let Zimmerman wear street clothes instead of a Seminole County Jail jumpsuit, but insisted that he be in chains.

Zimmerman appeared in a blue suit in his last bond hearing with his hands cuffed to a chain around his waist and his ankles shackled.

In his motion, O’Mara wrote that at Friday’s hearing, the chains are unnecessary and pointed out that Zimmerman has twice surrendered to authorities when he knew he was going to jail.

Zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder for killing 17-year-old Trayvon Martin during a sidewalk confrontation on the night of Feb. 26 in Sanford, FL. Zimmerman says he shot Trayvon in self-defense.