The Daily Grind Video

Books are still being read, just not on paper as much. 

Whether you have a Kindle, a smartphone or an e-reader, there’s nothing like the experience of picking up a book made from paper and diving into a story. 

EXCLUSIVE: Go The F*cK To Sleep Illustrator Ricardo Cortes Speaks!

For us, these books were where the party was at in 2011!

The biggest hit by far was Go The F*ck To Sleep, a little book that began as a PDF that grew into a giant snowball!

Passed around friends on Facebook, GTFTS, captured so many imaginations that it made its way on to best sellers list months before it was even published. Add the voice of Samuel L. Jackson to the mix and a surefire hit was born.

Another book which made our jaws drop was the Savage Beauty catalogue which accompanied the Alexander McQueen exhibition by the same title. Gorgeous cover, in 3D, gorgeous printing and gorgeous clothes by a designer who left an indelible mark on British design and world fashion.

Sacha Jenkins and David Villorente hit us up with the third installation of their Piecebook Series, Piecebook Reloaded: World Piece. Their graffiti excursion took us around the world and into the blackbooks of the planet’s most prolific and gifted writers via great printing.

Head to the gallery to check out the other books we loved this year!