In today’s edition of “Ridiculous Things Politicians Say,” Sarah Palin was caught trying to point out the similarities between two very different things that aren’t the same at all. Speaking at a conservative fundraiser in Iowa over the weekend, the former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential candidate compared the United States’ debt to slavery. […]

Are congressional Republicans finally caving in? On Wednesday, conservatives warmed to the idea of a short-term increase in the country’s borrowing limit that will avoid the catastrophic debt-ceiling default and possibly lift the shutdown on the government. Rep. Paul Ryan (R., Wis.), chairman of the House Budget Committee, outlined a plan Wednesday to fellow conservatives to extend […]

We’re in week two of the government shutdown and 800,000 employees are still furloughed, head start has been slashed, national parks are still closed and John Boehner is still being a dick. But if you thought things couldn’t get worse than they already are…think again. The latest disaster on the horizon is called the debt […]