The Daily Grind Video

Chris Brown and Justin Bieber survive doomsday in their new video “Next 2 You.”

The apocalypse has been a recurring theme in celebrity videos for the past few weeks and Chris and Justin are trying to get “Next 2 You” when the rapture comes. 

Chris and Justin have been buddies for awhile now and they finally collaborated musically with each other. The two young men always have the ladies up in arms and that still applies with their new sexy, dark, apocalyptic video. Chris twitpic’ed a few pictures of him and Justin on the set of “Next 2 You” and the video set looks pretty cool. Can’t wait to see the finished product!

Check out more pics of C.Breezy and J.Biebs on the next few pages.


Chris Brown and Justin Bieber on the set of their new video “Next 2 You.” 


Justin Bieber on the set of “Next 2 You.”