The Daily Grind Video

A wax figure of movie star Brad Pitt was unveiled today at the Musee Grevin in Paris, France.

The figure definitely looks like him, but we’re not sure if that’s the best Brad Pitt look they could have come up with.

Sure, Brad has had a lot of looks througout his career, but this most certainly is up there as one of the oddest of them all.

Speaking about wax figure issues, there have been a lot of celebrity wax figures made throughout the world. Some have been spectacular, but more importantly, some have been just plain wrong!

At times, the figures have been so blatantly bad that you wonder if the artist even took the time to look up a picture of that celebrity.

Check out some of the biggest celeb wax figure fails!


Maybe they got the wrong guy? President Barack Obama just does not look like his wax figure at the famed Madame Tussauds in France.


The Jessica Alba wax figure might have had a bit too much plastic surgery.


This wax figure of Lindsay Lohan at the Madame Tussauds in New York City makes her look 50+, if that’s even her.


Mrs. Pitt, Angelina Jolie looks more like a barbie doll in her wax figure than the beatiful person we know.


That is not Justin Timberlake on the top. It looks like they realized it was Justin Timberlake after they made a figure for David Beckham.


Will Smith‘s wax figure just looks plain scary! You can tell it’s him but the eyes are a bit lady-like.


They got the muscles right, but the face for Serena Williams just looks off.


Sorry Mel Gibson, that does not look like you at all!