The Daily Grind Video

The weekend is over and your bank account is undoubtedly lower than it was on Friday.

But that doesn’t mean you want to spend the day not being able to do anything!

So just for you, GlobalGrind has put together some things you can do today without spending a dime.



For the street art lover in you, if you’re in the New York Area, you can take a trip out to the 5pointz display.

Recently reopened, 5pointz is a graffiti mecca made from an industrial complex covered in street art, which has displayed work by aerosol artists like Stay High 149, Cope2 and Tracy 168. 5pointz is located at 45-46 Davis St. at Jackson Ave, Long Island City, Queens. 

If you are an artist or just a fan of graffiti, you won’t be disappointed!


5pointz art graffiti mecca. 


If you don’t want to leave your home, you can get your comedy/art fill by streaming Banksy’s latest work or art The Antics Roadshow.

It’s a slightly satirical, yet seriously entertaining documentary regarding anarchists, pranksters and dilettantes the world over.

From a man who acts out video games in real life (imagine Super Mario buzzing by you in his kart while hurling a banana into moving traffic) to the guy who essentially invented throwing pies at celebrities, and even an interview with a person who broke into the Queen’s bathroom, the content on The Antics Roadshow is not only cleverly named, but also quite well conceived.

Curious troublemakers should be sure to check out Banksy’s latest timely video piece.
SOURCE: Hypebeast


If you definitely want to go out and be active, you can participate in a free workout by the water at the Waterfront Workouts: Gentle Stretch presented by Dodge YMCA at Brooklyn Bridge Park in NYC.
The Dodge YMCA is a community service organization that promotes positive values through programs that build spirit, mind and body, welcoming all people with a focus on youth.

Gentle Stretch is an hour-long stretch class focuses on posture, core strength, flexibility and relaxation!