The Daily Grind Video

If you spent all of your money yesterday or you simply want to preserve the rest of your money for the weekend, we’ve got a few things in today’s DOLLARS & SENSE that requires absolutely NO money.
Find A Public Pool To Cool Off

Unfortunately the summer is winding down and there are very few days of really hot weather left. So while it is still here, why not find your way down to your local public pool and cool off? It is Friday after all and if you have tomorrow off, you can take as much time as you want soaking in there. Most of the time it may take a little research but a lot of neighborhoods in cities all over the country have pools that are open to the public. If you can’t find one that is readily available and outdoors, you can always go down to the YMCA and sign up to use their pool. It may require you to pay a one time fee, but after that you don’t have to worry about payment the next few times you show up. Granted in both situations the pool will be paved with people you don’t know but you can always invite your friends to come with you and for the most part, everyone there wants to enjoy the pool just as much as you do and probably wont bother you.


Movies In The Park
If you are in a major metropolitan area anywhere in the world you can always come out to enjoy Free Summer Movies in various parks around the city. In New York, the New York Department of Parks & Recreation sponsors movies beginning at 6pm almost every day during the summer. Boston has Free Friday Flicks at the Hatch Shell during Fridays in the summer and even Paris has the Open-Air Cinema at the Parc de la Villette during the summer where you can watch a movie for free on the lawn. Why not take advantage of what your city has to offer without spending a dime?


Financial Tip Of The Day

Retirement Funds
These are not counted as your net worth, so having a reasonable retirement fund is a very economical way to build a low tax safety net. Good financial plans have a retirement back-stop.
Financial planning for retirement needs to be safe and secure. But the risk you take should be relative to what you can afford.