The Daily Grind Video

<p>There are a lot of things that bother me about the political climate in America today and being that I am a Black man, obviously the Tea Bag Movement is one of them. &nbsp;</p><p>Now I am far from a punk! &nbsp;I&rsquo;m not saying I&rsquo;m the toughest guy in California, not even close, but I ain&rsquo;t no punk. &nbsp;Back in the day I did my fair share of dirt. &nbsp;So I when I see Tea Baggers out there yelling "nigger" to American heroes like Congressman John Lewis or calling a Black man like Obama a Nazi (when we all know they go home and their kids are the ones with the swastika tattoos) or when I see them openly carrying weapons at what are supposed to be political rallies, I get upset and want to respond with the same shit, but I can&rsquo;t because that would be wrong. &nbsp;</p><p>I&rsquo;d like to think I am pretty engaged in politics. &nbsp;I mean I watch a lot of news, I read a lot online and I get out to the occasional political rally. &nbsp;Well there are a lot of things that bother me about the political climate in America today and being that I am a Black man, obviously the Tea Bag Movement is one of them. &nbsp;Since the Health Insurance Reform Bill passed these Tea Baggers have gone crazy! &nbsp;I mean seriously crazy! &nbsp;Calling Democratic Politicians and threatening them, their families. &nbsp;What about cutting gas lines at the homes of the brother of a Democratic Politician or death threats and "baby killer" talk on the voicemail of Bart Stupak? &nbsp;Really, how the hell is Bart Stupak a baby killer? &nbsp;Do they even know how hard ol&rsquo; Bart worked it to get the abortion language to his liking? &nbsp;I doubt it, or maybe it doesn&rsquo;t matter since they hate Obama so much.</p><p>Now I am far from a punk! &nbsp;I&rsquo;m not saying I&rsquo;m the toughest guy in California, not even close, but I ain&rsquo;t no punk. &nbsp;Back in the day I did my fair share of dirt. &nbsp;So I when I see Tea Baggers out there yelling "nigger" to American heroes like Congressman John Lewis or calling a Black man like Obama a Nazi (when we all know they go home and their kids are the ones with the swastika tattoos) or when I see them openly carrying weapons at what are supposed to be political rallies, I get upset and want to respond with the same shit, but I can&rsquo;t because that would be wrong. &nbsp;Sometimes when I get with a group of my friends and family we talk about these cowards, a lot. &nbsp;Probably more than we should. &nbsp;Someone will say "Man I wish one of them Tea Baggers would come to me talking that shit" or "Stop with the Nazi mess" or "You know what they really want to call him is nigger". &nbsp;</p><p>It seems to me that things are starting to look like the 60&rsquo;s. &nbsp;That is a scary thought right? &nbsp;What if these racists get crazy like they did in the 50&rsquo;s, 60&rsquo;s and 70&rsquo;s? &nbsp;I mean they used to hang Black people, White people who associated with Black people, Immigrants and whoever else they didn&rsquo;t like, right? &nbsp;Today it would be the same people but let&rsquo;s not forget the Gays, Latinos, Progressives, Muslims, Jews, you get the point right? &nbsp;The Right wing was crazy back then!</p>