The Daily Grind Video

One would imagine Lowe’s knows that by dropping its advertising from TLC’s All-American Muslim they were opening themselves up for a storm of controversy and backlash from the public.

After the conservative Florida Family Association (FFA) posted an alert warning that the show amounted to “propaganda” that it was “clearly designed to counter legitimate and present-day concerns about many Muslims who are advancing Islamic fundamentalism and Sharia law,” millions of people were shocked by the home improvement giant’s brash actions. 

But could Lowe’s have predicted the escalating dollars lost, the picketing outside their stores, the celebrities who issued statements against them, the talk shows that made them the butt of every joke, the Twitter/Facebook frenzy that shadowed them; all of which seemingly overnight turned their name from friendly home-goods store to racist, intolerant hatemongers? I highly doubt it.

Personally, I will never shop at Lowe’s again until they make a REAL public apology to the Muslim community. That would entail not one from the watered down “sorry I offended you” variety, but an honest, enlightened “we were WRONG.”

Every American should be outraged by what Lowe’s did and I’m happy to see that judging by the strong and swift reaction that they are.

I also hope that other large corporations and businesses will reflect on the repercussions of Lowe’s shameful act and have the courage to fight back and never pander to hate.

After all is said and done – whenever that may be, because even though you won’t be hearing me go on about this subject every day, I will never back down on the issue of fighting prejudice -I have to be grateful for what happened.

For one, we have tens of millions of people talking about Islamophobia, including the younger generations who are the most important to teach.

The people rose up against Lowe’s where it hurt and boycotted their stores and are giving no indication they will stop. The press gave this story the attention it deserved.

And while we still don’t have the apology we want, we have gained so much more: a collective voice against hate that is echoing on.

So, thank you Lowe’s … Now do what’s right.

-Russell Simmons