The Daily Grind Video

Wake up, wake up, it’s the weekend! Time to spend that hard-earned money and enjoy your precious life. This weekend’s version of Dollars & Sense is a little bit on the daring side but it’s wild card weekend right? Wild card weekend is the best way to tackle some of your biggest fears!

Go skydiving in Vegas!

Of course visiting Vegas and going skydiving are equally as exciting but imagine the two together! Bam! It’ll be one of the most memorable moments of your life. You can skydive from 15,000 feet over the Grand Cancun for only $199. You will also need to purchase the video services for up to $160 per package in order to remember this event! Go for it! Live a little!


Have Dinner in The Sky!

Can you imagine eating dinner with your loved ones 160-180 feet off the ground? How insane would that be? Well, thanks to the company, Dinner in the Sky, you can! The company allows you and 22 guests to enjoy dinner over the beautiful city of Las Vegas. Although the bill is around 12,000 per one session, it’s more than worth it!


Financial Tip:

Use grocery bags to line trashcans

Clearly this won’t work if you have a big trashcan but if you have a small one it’s a perfect idea! It will not only help you save money on trash bags but it will also reduce your environmental footprint. It’s a trick I’ve been doing for years.