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It’s another Thursday and thankfully that means that we have another cool installment of Three Stacks Thursday for you. This particular Dollars & Sense is extra special because it is all about activities in Milan, Italy. Take a look at all of the activities we found for you below!

Visit The Duomo:

Standing proudly on the piazza del Duomo, the third largest church in Christendom (outdone only by St. Peter’s in Rome and Seville’s cathedral), the Duomo is truly a joy to behold. Although the key elements were in place by 1391, the Duomo took the best part of 500 years to complete – and indeed, building work continues today: a five-year project to clean the façade started in 2002, and the Duomo’s full mind-blowing beauty is now there for all to behold.


Shop At The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II:

The magnificent Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II isn’t known as il salotto di Milano (Milan’s living room) for nothing. It connects piazza del Duomo with piazza della Scala in grand style, and the upper echelons of Milan society all pass through at some point. Suited businessmen will happily pay €10 for a cappuccino on the terrace at Zucca, and elegant grandmothers carry their chihuahuas in Fendi bags. Shopping is, and always has been, the Galleria’s main activity, and fashion flagships radiate out from the twin powerhouses of Prada and Louis Vuitton in the center.


Financial Tip Of The Day

Drink More Water.

Not only does drinking plenty of water have great health benefits, water drinking has financial benefits, too. Drink a big glass of water before each meal, and not only will you digest it better, you won’t eat as much, saving on the ol’ food bill. You’ll also find yourself feeling a bit better as you begin to get adequately hydrated. A little known fact is that most Americans are perpetually somewhat dehydrated, so it will help you fit right in while in Milan.