The Daily Grind Video

Where in the world are the free events in San Diego? We know that you’ve been asking yourself that question, and we have the answers. Instead of spending your day on the couch, get up and do something that you will enjoy. San Diego, CA is a great place to visit in the summer and wintertime. Although it is not as big as other cities, there are so many new and exciting things to do.

Visit the Cruisin’ Grand:

Car lovers should check out one of the biggest attractions in San Diego. For six months, this city holds Cruisin’ Grand where thousands gather to display their cars. Everyone comes to chill on the street and mingle about their beauties. This is a great opportunity to meet new people, either being a tourist or a native. There is no admission and runs from 5-9pm. 


Visit the U.S. Olympic Training Center:

The Olympics is vastly approaching and what better way to get prepared than to visit the training center? Come see the stars of tomorrow and learn how they get ready for greatness. They offer free tours, but if you prefer to walk around by yourself, that’s fine.


Financial Tip of the Day:

Unnecessary Fines

Are you too lazy to switch over your money from your savings to checkings? Do you use your credit card when you are to lazy to find your debit? Stop the maddness! These lazy actions can cause you unwanted fines to your account or payments that you don’t need to be making. Switch your money over in the morning and put your debit card somewhere easy to find. These simple actions can help your save money you don’t need to be spending.