The Daily Grind Video

New Jersey Governor, Chris “Big Poppa” Christie, gave the keynote address at the Republican National Convention last night to a hyped up crowd in Tampa, Florida. 

VIDEO: Temper Temper! Chris Christie Blows Up Ronnie Style On The Seaside Boardwalk

Fist-pumping with his blunt and brash swagger, Christie lit a fire under the RNC, labeling Democratic President Barack Obama part of the complacent status quo and continuously praising GOP candidate Mitt Romney. 

Christie told the GOP faithful:

“It’s been easy for our leaders to say not us, and not now, in taking on the tough issues. And we’ve stood silently by and let them get away with it…But tonight, I say enough.”

Christie made his case against Obama and fired up the Republican base:

“Everybody stand up. There’s no time left to waste…What will our children and grandchildren say of us? Will they say we buried our heads in the sand, we assuaged ourselves with the creature comforts we’ve acquired, that our problems were too big and we were too small, that someone else should make a difference because we can’t?…Or will they say we stood up and made the tough choices needed to preserve our way of life?”

Christie gave power to a party that has been flagging in recent weeks, ever since Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin made his controversial “legitimate rape” comments.

Take a look as the NJ Gov fires up the RNC: