The Daily Grind Video

Yesterday David Letterman let the world know he has been knocking down a few females from his staff. All was fine until a hater by the name of Robert Halderman tried to get 2 million dollars from Dave to keep his secret a secret. According to our good friends over at Robert started smashing a chick named Stephanie Birkitt who told him she let David Letterman smash, so Rob thought it would be a great idea to ask for money and the rest is history. This is one story you’ll want to check out more info about on 

But in honor of this *uckery I would like to give y’all the Do’s and Don’ts of an Office Romance. 

Keep it on the low. It’s okay to let people know you’re involved but you don’t have to broadcast it in a mass email or memo on company paper.

Go to lunch together. Lunch time and breaks would be the best time to display affection. Make out in the car off company property and enjoy each others company.

Include others. Every relationship should come with a set of relationship friends. Use work to build those friendships. This will give the couple a chance to interact with others. While both of you may have your own friends those friends could be bias towards an ex lover which may create problems.

Talk electronically: use text messaging to converse with one another while at work. If you are always at your lover’s desk it will give the impression that you are not working. The boss will not like this and it could lead to policy changes.

Stay late: when there is an excuse to stick around the office, do it together. The later it is, the more likely less people will be in the office. So si