The Daily Grind Video

Hola GG heads,

It’s Shay again. This week one of my Facebook friends had an interesting status up. He said ‘I voted for a President i got a celebrity WTF’ I laughed at first, but when I really thought about it he has a point.

Lately I feel like President Obama has been getting caught up in the lifestyle of being the President of the United States that he has forgotten the real reason why he was voted into office. I mean of course I know one man cannot clean up 8 years of a deteriorating economy and a war in the middle east, but c’mon son! I think Obama has been on more vacations than Bush, and he’s only 2 years in.

Not to mention all the photo ops with all these ‘big name’ celebrities. I promise every time I turn the tv on one of these rappers, socialites, or athletes are talking about how they met President Obama! Are you serious? Out of all the Presidents we’ve had this is the first one that I’ve seen to be so commercial.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m in no way bashing or saying I dislike the President, I’m just saying I think he needs to get his head back in the game and get back to the business at hand. I wish the President and his family all the best because it is not easy being the Commander in Chief, but just please get it together. I voted for a President not Diddy 2.0, we have enough celebrities, we don’t need anymore.