The Daily Grind Video

Hey Global Grind fam… Just saying what’s up and sharing with you something I have recently been thinking about super hard.  I know it’s kinda random and out of the blue, but I’ve really been thinking about how as individuals of all and any race we seem to be so quick to put our own people down.  Now, I’m not saying that everyone does it but lately I’ve seen it more and more.   It really bothers me that outside of a family that most people are so quick to judge one another whether its by appearance or even a career.

I just feel that as people we need to all come together and support one another.  Be a person who encourages others not one who is quick to talk mess about other people around you (not a HATER).  When is the last time you complimented someone?  How about helping not ignoring someone when they fall but being there to help them out when they do.

I just believe that we all need to become more supportive in anyway possible. It may sound a little confusing to you right now, but really think about it.  When you give by helping others, it all comes back to you at the end of the day. The energy you give out is the energy you get back. You ever wonder why you are not getting something done? Perhaps it is because you haven’t been giving.  Basically, my point to all of this is to make sure you always lending a hand in your life.  Especially to someone that you wouldn’t normally do something for.

I’m not talking about anything big, a small compliment could change someones whole day. Being a good persons means making someone else feel good.  

Share what you can 🙂

Anyways,  I just had to vent and get that off my mind… I’m sorry I don’t blog too often but my days have been super busy. I have been flying around endlessly…SHEESSH. lol. Actually, I just landed back home in LA last night and finally have sometime to myself. I’ve been spending a lot of QT with the fam and my bf 🙂  Oh yeah, tons of work but must say that I am super blessed and happy with the way life is looking and couldn’t ask for more.


<p class