The Daily Grind Video

The Evolution of a better man part 1

What’s up Global Grind! It’s your boy Bobby V. I’ve been hard at work in the studio lately so you haven’t heard from me in a minute…But I’m back and ready to give ya’ll a look into the new me…

I’ve been in this business for over a decade and have seen my share of good and bad, both from others and from myself. I’ve been putting my heart and soul into this new record and the process has made me want to change a few things about my life….

A friend sent me a link on twitter of a female making all sorts of drunken claims in the back seat of a dark car about a ficticious sexual encounter she had with me at my home in Atlanta. I’m not going to use this to give her shine, but for the record, none of that ever happened. This situation and others I read about made me realize that I need to make better choices in the image I portray, because if ya’ll believe them, I’m clearly doing something wrong!!


While I take full responsibility for choices I made in the past, in this cyber age, anyone with a computer can seek fame through sleeping with a celebrity and talking about it. Everyday I go online I see a different girl airing out someones business. I know what you women are saying, its our fault, and yes we as men slip up from time to time but we are human and it is a two way street, everybody is getting something out of the deal. For us it may be a sexual conquest for them it may be recognition and in some cases fame. The greatest example is these females getting book deals, photo spreads and reality tv shows.


I say all of this because throughout my career I’ve hurt a lot of innocent, good women and on the flip side I have also been hurt (maybe just my ego!) I love women and from this point on I view every woman that comes into my life as an opportunity to be a better man.

But baby steps ladies 😉

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