The Daily Grind Video

Hayley Williams is the hardcore rockstar beautiful lead singer of Paramore and I think I feel in love. Now I’ll admit I am not the biggest Paramore fan. I discovered the group playing Rockband with my daughter.

Last summer my daughter and I would rock out to “That’s What You Get”, my kid on vocals, and daddy on the guitar. Good times. One day while watching MTV Hits the video came on and my obsession with the group began. 

Once I found out B.o.B. had Hayley Williams on Airplanes I had to go download a Paramore album. I feel in love, and the MTV VMA performance was only the icing on the cake. So I am asking you all to ride w/ me and check out Hayley Williams’ most rockstar photos and let me know your favorite Paramore song so I can download it. 

Thanks for the help and enjoy. Xilla












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