The Daily Grind Video

This Reality TV Star got her eye blackened for charity. According to The reality TV starlet participated in a boxing event that benefits The Dream Foundation at the Commerce Casino in Commerce, California. Check out the pics and the video from the event below. As far as what happened that night. KIM KARDASHIAN wrote on her blog.

‘When Rob stepped in the ring to fight, his opponent was at least 25 lbs heavier than him, even though the organization had assured us that they were screening the people we were fighting against and that they would be within 5 lbs of our weights! At one point Rob’s mask fell off and when he put his hands down he got hit in the face and ended up in hospital with a concussion. Rob’s a strong guy and can definitely hold his own, but he wasn’t expecting to get hit after his mask had fallen off! This guy just got really down and dirty!

We were all really angry and upset about what had happened to Rob, but I hadn’t even fought yet and I didn’t want to let the charity down, so I decided to get in the ring. My girl was a good sport, but she was tough! I knew I had to do it for charity, since that’s what it was all about, but man, my girl could throw a punch! Look at my black eye!!! At the end of the day, we did this for charity and that’s what counts. Rob is doing fine now and my black eye will be gone soon… I hope. You can try to bring the Kardashians down… but we’re a strong family. A concussion and a black eye can’t hold us down!’




I don’t know about y’all but I am proud of Kim K, for stepping up to do this for charity.  ðŸ™‚ good job. Kim. We’re proud of you. 

Xilla – Gossip & Entertainment Editor 

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