The Daily Grind Video

One 4-year-old boy recently proved that all the world really needs is love and acceptance. According to ABC, Jax Rosebush pleaded with his mother to have his haircut to match best friend, who is originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa, hoping their teacher would no longer be able to tell them apart.

Jax and his best friend Reddy Weldon are classmates in preschool together and reportedly became buddies instantly after they met. Five-year-old Reddy was adopted by local pastor Kevin Weldon and his wife Debbie. Jax’s mother, Lydia Stith Rosebush, was so amused by her conversation with her son that she posted about it on Facebook on Friday, turning Jax into a viral star. She wrote, “He thought it would be so hilarious to confuse his teacher with the same haircut. If this isn’t proof that hate and prejudice is something that is taught I don’t know what is. The only difference Jax sees in the two of them is their hair.”

Lydia also gushed to reporters about her son’s innocence, saying, “It just struck me as funny that Jax doesn’t even notice that Reddy is a different color. When he describes Reddy he never mentions it. I thought with all the hate in the world today, we could use this lesson from an almost 5-year-old.”

 As for Reddy’s adopted parents, they are over the moon that their boy has settled in well. Pastor Weldon told reporters, “My sons do not look like me but we are family all the same. We share the same last name, love each other with all we have, and are a forever family. One day when I am gone, they will inherit all that I have and carry on our family name. It’s really cool to see that move on from our family right into his relationships with his friends. There’s an innocence children have that sometimes we lose. If we could get some of that back, I think it would be amazing.”

Love always trumps hate.