The Daily Grind Video
Baby Buddha Bug Collection Hosted By Teyana Taylor & Iman Shumpert

Source: Paras Griffin / Getty

Today is Iman Shumpert‘s birthday and what better way to celebrate him than to highlight the amazing family man he is?

Husband to Teyana Taylor and #GirlDad to his mini-me, Iman Tayla, the NBA champ is all about his girls — and they’ve got another bun in the oven, to be midwifed by the one, the only Erykah Badu. With their beautiful family growing, amidst protests against racism and police violence aimed at the Black community, Teyana has been sure to praise and love on her Black King, saying in a recent post:

“Though you are the love of my life, my king, my husband & an amazing father. YOU ARE STILL A BLACK MAN FIRST, before anything. And that’s the risk I take as you leave my side and walk out the door every single day. I could have lost you yesterday. I could lose you today. I could lose you tomorrow. The sadness of our planet has corrupted mankind’s ability to make empowering decisions. Darkened, but not by the sun; WE still stand up in assembly and cry for help. For these are the reasons I have broken down my defenses; I hear you, I see you, I love you. You have adopted the role of being our protector. To our girls, the name father is another name for what we created, love. For I will never rue the love inside of my heart because I have a King to uphold and Queens to raise.”

ALSO: Parental Pride | Photos Of Black Celebrities Supporting Their Queer & Trans Kids

Like so many other Black fathers that we are grateful for, Iman steps up to the plate every day, in a way that can never truly be repaid. Check out more our favorite Iman Shumpert #GirlDad moments below and join us in wishing him a happy, happy birthday!

Daddy’s Big Girl

The Big Kid Dog

Summer ’19 

This Melts Our Hearts Too, Shump!

Picture, Please!

True Love, Indeed. Happy Birthday, King!