The Daily Grind Video

I know I wasn’t the only one who saw this commercial last night during the games. What? We aren’t comfortable enough around here to talk about men in their draws?Seems my esteemed associate Matt @ With Leather caught the fuckery as well…You get the Risky Business motif right away, and then A-Rod, Tony Hawk, and Michael Phelps — the world’s best in their respective sports — slide into view and look like dorks. That much I understand. That much I expect that from A-Rod and Phelps.But then Kobe comes out as the singer, and holy hell he really sells it. For a guy who’s always so cold and calculated — from the hardcourt to Colorado hotel rooms — I have to say, I was really impressed. LOL @ someone over there calling Kobe out for they hypocrisy. “Kobe’s favorite game is Grand Theft Anal.”