The Daily Grind Video

Yep, just relax as the self-loathing American media continues to remind us how bad we are as a nation for wanting secure borders.Mexico Drug Cartels Send A Message of Chaos, DeathBy William BoothWashington Post Foreign ServiceMEXICO CITY — The death squads of the drug cartels are killing in spectacularly gruesome ways, using the violence as a language to deliver a message to society.Increasingly, bodies show unmistakable signs of torture. Videos of executions are posted on the Internet, as taunts, as warnings. Corpses are dumped on playgrounds, with neatly printed notes beside them. And very often, the heads have been removed.When someone rolled five heads onto the dance floor in a cantina in Michoacan state two years ago, even the most hardened Mexicans were shocked. Now ritual mutilations are routine. In the border city of Tijuana, 37 people were slain over the weekend, including four children. Nine of the adults were decapitated, including three police officers whose badges were stuffed in their mouths.[…]An estimated 4,500 people have been killed in drug-related violence since 2007, when Calderón flooded the border and other drug hot zones with 20,000 Mexican troops and thousands of federal agents. November was the bloodiest month so far, with at least 700 killings, according to tallies kept by Mexican newspapers. Some victims had no connection to the drug trade, police say. (more….)You read that right. 700 murders in one month! You already know my solution–send the Klan down there and folks will actually get mad enough to do something about it.