The Daily Grind Video

When we first met Amber Rose, we were immediately addicted, ready to shave our heads because we were feigning to be just like this new girl on the scene.

We wanted to kill all the red carpets in Hollywood. We wanted to help put bald heads on the map. But most of all, we just wanted to give Amber her props for being brave enough to do that first.

How did a girl who doesn’t speak, who has no hair, and who just got introduced to Hollywood do everything right – and we mean everything – to the point where her career couldn’t even be destroyed by her worldwide superstar ex, who shall be left unnamed?

She was loveable. Yup, that’s the answer!

And here are all the reasons why that love never faded

Amber Rose was just a dope Philly chick from humble beginnings, making her super relatable.

It amazed us that someone was this bald, this beautiful, and this stylish all at the same damn time.

Then we noticed the booty: o_O Dayuuum, Amber…

The fact that she was never afraid to be different was always a plus…

There was that little thing with that superstar, but more importantly, besides Jay-Z, who ever made him smile like THIS? 

Then she introduced us to her awesome bikini body…

When we said awesome, we meant REALLY FRIGGIN’ AWESOME. And then…

Someone started bad mouthing Muva Rosebud – we don’t want to talk about that though….

Because Amber didn’t let that stop her. She fell in love with the super delicious Wiz Khalifa.

And made sure we were aware that she looks better without hair. Go figure!?!

Oh we just LOVE her.

Why wouldn’t we? She’s always smiling!

She’s got a great sense of humor.

And all of the biggest…



Baddest stars love her too! WAIT – where’d that baby bump come from?! REWIND!

She got preggers by Wiz … 

And she was SOO happy about it even though she had haters.

Plus she was STILL unbelievably sexy.

Like, look at her!

We realized we’ve never seen a pregnant lady have so much fun with being pregnant…

LOTS of fun…

And after actually enjoying ages of being pregnant, she finally let us meet the little guy BASH.

And this extremely accurate tat of her baby daddy solidified the fact that we’ll never, ever EVEEEER stop loving Amber Rose!

Photo Credit: WENN/GETTY/Instagram