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The Republican establishment is resorting to their old tricks, scraping the bottom of the barrel to bring up President Obama’s citizenship status once again.

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The birther movement has been reborn this Presidential election cycle and the extremists in the Republican Party have taken it to another level.

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Last month, an Alaska man filed a lawsuit aiming to remove Obama from the state’s ballot, arguing that Obama is not a “natural born citizen” because he is African-American.

STORY: Birther’s Reborn! Alaska Man Files Lawsuit Claiming Barack Isn’t American

His claim is that Obama is of the “mulatto” race; his status of citizenship is founded upon the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

STORY: Here We Go Again! Florida Senator Backs Birtherism

In Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County and his Cold Case Posse opened an investigation into Obama’s eligibility after they were asked by a local Tea Party group (250 members) to look into the legitimacy of Obama being a natural born citizen before he’s placed on the 2012 presidential election ballot in Arizona.

Their assertion is that Obama’s Social Security number, which they believe is a fake, corresponds to a Connecticut address, even though the President apparently had no links to the state.

Then there’s birther Queen, Orly Taitz, the woman who has been the face of the birthers since their burst onto the mainstream. Born in the Soviet Union, Taitz has been touting her agenda on Obama’s citizenship legitimacy since 2008.

Here’s the smoking gun however, President Obama released his birth certificate on April 27, 2011 amid pressure from carnival barkers; namely billionaire real estate mogul, Donald Trump.

Even though Obama and the rest of Americans living in reality thought the issue was behind them, it has reared its ugly head once more.

The last remants of birtherism continues to grow like a poisonous mushroom. Their rhetoric is wrong and their theories have been disproven.

They have no defense for Obama’s accomplishments; he’s only created 3 million private sector jobs, reformed health care, saved the auto industry, repealed Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and killed Osama bin Laden in just his first term. Take a look at the faces of the birther movement.