
China has been in the midst of experiencing what we here in American has been experiencing for the last 2 months, but on a larger level.  Their oil spill has worsened in the last five days. The pictures coming from this spill are crazy. China Central Television earlier reported an estimate of 1,500 tons of oil […]


China has an oil spill now? What is going on? China is now in the midst of expericing what we here in American has been expericning for the last 2 months, but on a larger level, their oil spill has worsened in the last five days. The pictures coming from this spill are crazy. The […]


Glenn ‘The Joker’ Beck is never at a lost for words when it come to President Obama, Michelle Obama or the entire Obama family foe that matter. So in his latest political jab he threw some shots at the first lady, Michelle Obama. The Joker was on Bill O’Rielly’s factor the other night and had […]


The oil has stopped but the damage has been done, for 2 ½ months the Gulf has been polluted with crude oil but today it seems that The Gulf oil spill has momentarily been stopped by the latest containment cap. The containment cap is in place and the oil has stopped. The government estimated that  […]


Dan Landry, a crawfisher from Louisiana wants the White House oil spill commission to ‘just do the right damn thing.’ Landry pulled out his guitar and started singing a folk tune reminiscent of a young Bob Dylan. Landry expressed his concern for the Gulf and explained to the commission that it shouldn’t be a policy […]


The oil has stopped but the damage has been done, for 2 ½ months the Gulf has been polluted with crude oil but today it seems that The Gulf oil spill has momentarily been stopped by the latest containment cap. The containment cap is in place and the oil has stopped. The government estimated that  […]


Along with millions of people around the world, I watched the World Cup with a sense of joy, but also with a heavy heart that not even the greatest international sporting event could heal. You see, while I was watching the World Cup Final I kept asking myself one simple question, “What will it take […]


Saber One, a Los Angeles based graffiti artist who has worked with the likes of Harley-Davidson, Levis, Hyundai, Scion and has had his work featured on movie sets and music videos has created an inspirational painting influenced by the recent BP oil spill. Saber has been quoted as saying “The insidiousness of the oil spill […]


Sometimes it seems there is no end in sight for the Gulf of Mexico, everyday we see more and more wildlife suffering do to the massive oil contamination in the gulf. This is a huge catastrophe on epic proportions. We’ve seen the heart-wrenching photos of oil-covered animals along the Gulf Coast shoreline and the photos […]


As we get ready for the 4th of July weekend, the barbequing is going to get serious, shrimp and fish are all on the menu, what’s crazy is, since the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico most of the seafood we eat has been contaminated, so we want to […]


Drilling two and a half miles deep into the ocean to look for oil will put you in the doghouse real fast if you can’t clean up the mess.  If BP’s greasy mess in the Gulf isn’t alarming enough, how about global warming, slaughterhouses, over-fished tuna, and a giant island of trash floating around the […]


The oil spill continues to hurt our wildlife. With more and more oil spilling through the Gulf Coast, it has spread all over and the amount of wildlife being drenched in oil keeps multiplying. People have made efforts to help clean up these oil-stained animals. It is sad to see these poor animals being harmed […]