
The former employee claims he was hit with frying pans and beat with belts during the end of his nearly two-decade-long employment by the family.


Boko Haram has surpassed the number of fatalities claimed by the Islamic State (formerly known as ISIS).


A local NAACP chapter has announced plans to open up a discrimination hotline for Black students at the University of Missouri.


Consultant W. Ken Katsaris, who is also a certified Florida law enforcement officer instructor, called the Nov. 2014 incident tragic, but "objectively reasonable."


Video of Linwood Lambert, the man who died in police custody during a medical trip to the ER, has finally been released in an exclusive report by MSNBC.


A man who's been arrested 29 times for transit-related crimes found himself behind bars again for stealing a Greyhound bus in NYC.


"We will move much further toward anarchy than anybody can imagine, and much more quickly," Ben Carson told Fox News about the recent uprisings on college campuses.


Police in Birmingham, Ala. have charged an 8-year-old boy with murder in the beating death of a 17-month-old baby girl after their mothers left the young children at home, unsupervised, to party at a nightclub.


Since the beginning of the year, riots, vandalism, and even deaths have been placed on the movement's back. But, ironically, victims of reported vandalisms have been revealed to be the actual culprits.

DoNotUse, News

Two high schoolers were arrested this week after dressing up as the Columbine High School shooters for Halloween and threatening to harm fellow students.


Police say the child was targeted because of his father's gang ties and a string of shootings between rival gangs. A basketball the boy often carried to and from school was found near his body.

DoNotUse, News

The family of 11-year-old La’Darious Wylie is celebrating his life after he died saving his 7-year-old sister in a fatal hit-and-run in North Carolina.