It’s a pretty sensitive time for the country after having one of the most bizarre elections in history. President-elect Donald Trump‘s victory has caused such a major divide that it’s not even safe to make jokes about Presidents anymore. Wanda Sykes learned the hard way during one of her stand-up shows over the weekend. According […]

The Petaluma Veteran’s Day parade took place on Friday in California and the appearance of Confederate flags along the parade route sparked major outrage. San Rafael Rep. Jared Huffman was one of many people disturbed by the controversial flags. He told reporters, “It was just so out of place that I had to do a double-take.” Huffman appeared in the […]

With Donald Trump‘s surprising win over Hillary Clinton last week, the world seems to be getting more and more mean-spirited everyday. A California middle school teacher is under fire after being recorded telling minority students that their parents would be deported, leaving them to be placed in foster care following Trump’s victory. According to a […]

Dave pokes fun at the election, saying America "elected an Internet troll" for President

A small group of students at Royal Oak Middle School in Detroit, Michigan broke out into chants of “Build the wall” the day after the election.

The King of the South stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Thursday and opened up about protesting the recent election results.

The reality star and Trump campaign's director of African-American outreach said she wants African-Americans to “educate” White folks.

According to reports, the Ku Klux Klan is planning a victory march in North Carolina to celebrate Trump's presidential success.

It comes as no surprise that due to Donald Trump's presidency, racist people are coming out of the woodwork to spew their bigoted hate.

The controversial businessman took to Twitter to talk about his time visiting the White House and the Obamas on Thursday.


— Written By Ludmila Leiva On Wednesday morning, I woke to a pounding headache and tears already forming in my eyes. Like so many, I stayed up late, watching our country’s electoral map light up red as Donald J. Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States. Despite months of blatant displays of […]

The daytime talk show host just can't seem to stop putting her foot in her mouth this year.