Alas, the Internet giveth and the Internet taketh away. For the Fat Jew, this unfortunately happens to come at the cost of his career. Hit with recent backlash in light of a preliminary Comedy Central contract for a show, the news arrived that the contract was off; namely, comedians are mad that the Fat Jew […]

John Russell Houser was not mentally well for over a decade, but that didn’t stop him from being able to purchase the gun he used to shoot 11 people at a Lafayette movie theater on Thursday. Back in 2008, a Georgia judge ruled that Houser was a danger to himself and others, before ordering that […]

A school teacher quickly became a hero during the deadly shooting that took place at a movie theater in Lafayette, Louisiana this past Thursday. The teacher reportedly jumped in front of her co-worker to protect her and was then able to pull the fire alarm, even after being shot in the leg. According to E! Online, […]


Two women were shot to death at a Louisiana movie theater Thursday night. Movie-goers who went to see the 7 p.m. showing of the new movie