
In what could be an interesting bit of foreshadowing, Michelle Obama referred to her successor as the “First Spouse” during a talk Tuesday in New York City.


Straight Outta Compton’s Oscars snub was one of the factors that brought attention to the Academy Awards’ lack of diversity and stirred up a lot of controversy

Speaking with the ladies of popular daytime talk show "The Real," FLOTUS was honest when asked who had better grades in high school.


A group of anti-abortion activists took it upon themselves to secretly videotape activity at a Planned Parenthood in Houston, Tex.

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Over the summer, President Barack Obama boasted during a trip to Africa that he could win a third-term in office if term limits didn't bar him from running again, but on Sunday he said he is not yearning to stay in office.

The five outspoken female hosts were invited to the White House to chat with FLOTUS Michelle Obama about her education initiatives.

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“Let me tell you, there are three things that are certain in life: death, taxes and Michelle is not running for president,” Obama said. “That I can tell you.”

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Needless to say, a serious night turned hilarious in just seconds thanks to Twitter.


After discovering the origins of her dress, many flocked to Neiman Marcus' website, and the garment sold out instantly.

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President Barack Obama delivers his final State of the Union Address Tuesday night.


According to the White House, the guests convey "who we are as Americans: inclusive and compassionate, innovative and courageous."